Tuesday, July 20, 2010


This weekend we were amateur video makers, small time fire starters, portable BBQ lovers, neighbourhood party crashers, creative shotglass testers, crude landscapers, and midnight fog manipulators. Experiments are good.

Stay tuned to see how Tim shapes this little visual experiment of ours into something mysterious and magical.

Album Progress Update:
The songs are on their way to get mastered and album art is being finished!


  1. Numpang share nih bray about the health body Obat Nyeri Ulu Hati CR7 Obat Diare Berkepanjangan Robben Obat Nyeri Sendi Tradisional Ribery Obat Amandel Muller Obat Keputihan Tidak Normal Nuer Obat Lemak Di Mata Gomes Obat Asma Messi Obat Batuk Disertai Tenggorokan Gatal Dan Sesak Nafas balle Obat Sesak Nafas higuain Obat Stroke and thanks for permission and I hope this can be usefull for every Body
